Kibana - How to display log as table

I'm testing Kibana 4 for a project.

I have created an index from my database table which is composed by 3 fields:

  1. Date
  2. User
  3. Action

I would like to display my index as a simple table (3 column, N rows) in my dashboard.

I tried to use "Data table" visualization but I can't find a way to display my results without any Metrics (Count, Sum etc...)

Maybe is pretty simple and I missed something... is there a way to do this?


Solution 1:

On the Discover tab, create a view that has just the fields you want and then save that as a search.

On the Dashboard tab, click on Edit then hit the + Create new button to add a widget, but if you look at the top, there's a Searches tab. Select that and add your saved search in.

Solution 2:

[Elastic 7.x / 2019 Update]

I was a bit confused when I read @Alcanzar's answer so I am sharing a little more noob-friendly step-by-step how-to here :

  • STEP 1 : Create the Index Pattern

  • STEP 2 : Go to the Dashboard view, and create a view on your index
    Select each column you want to include/add in your view by clicking "add" on it (The confusing part is that until you do that, you will have a "scrambled" view listing everything in a jumbled way.)

  • STEP 3 : Go to the Dashboard view, and create a view on your index

The trick is to select the specific columns you want to include... and voila !
Don't forget to save your view, this will help a lot in the process.

Solution 3:

In Kibana 7.5.0 you can do it as follows:

  1. Go to Discover section enter image description here
  2. Select fields you are interested in enter image description here
  3. Click on Save to save your discover search so you can use it in visualizations and dashboards enter image description here enter image description here
  4. Click on Dashboard and create a new dashboard enter image description here enter image description here
  5. Click on Add and select the panel enter image description here enter image description here
  6. There is no step 6 enter image description here