Rails engines extending functionality
I have an engine which defines some models and controllers. I want to be able to extend functionality of some models/controllers in my application (eg. adding methods) without loosing the original model/controller functionality from engine. Everywhere I read that you simply need to define controller with the same name in your application and Rails will automatically merge them, however it doesn't work for me and controller in engine is simply ignored (I don't think it's even loaded).
require MyEngine::Engine.root.join('app', 'models', 'my_engine', 'my_model')
before the model class definition in your application.
You can add these lines to you engine's module file in the lib root directory:
def self.root
def self.models_dir
def self.controllers_dir
Then you have the ability in the main application (the app making use of the engine) to require the necessary files from the engine. This is nice because you maintain Rails Engines default functionality and also have an easy tool for making use of normal ruby inheritance, without the need for patching.
#ENGINE Model -
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def testing_engine
puts "Engine Method"
#MAIN APP Model -
require "#{MyEngine.models_dir}/user"
class User
def testing_main_app
puts "Main App Method"
#From the Main apps console
user = User.new
puts user.testing_engine #=> "Engine Method"
puts user.tesing_main_app #=> "Main App Method"
Just if anyone else runs into same issue some time in the future, this is the code I wrote that fixed my problem:
module ActiveSupport::Dependencies
alias_method :require_or_load_without_multiple, :require_or_load
def require_or_load(file_name, const_path = nil)
if file_name.starts_with?(RAILS_ROOT + '/app')
relative_name = file_name.gsub(RAILS_ROOT, '')
@engine_paths ||= Rails::Initializer.new(Rails.configuration).plugin_loader.engines.collect {|plugin| plugin.directory }
@engine_paths.each do |path|
engine_file = File.join(path, relative_name)
require_or_load_without_multiple(engine_file, const_path) if File.file?(engine_file)
require_or_load_without_multiple(file_name, const_path)
This will automatically require files from engine before requiring from application if file path starts with 'app'.