What is the lifespan of an typical UPS battery?

Solution 1:

My main APC UPS is on year 3 with it's current batteries and it's still doing fine. However, I will be bringing in a technician to run some tests to ensure that this is the case. The city I am in recently had a major power outage in it's downtown core. My UPS kept our systems up and running for 25 minutes until it was restored. I was quite impressed.

Keep up regular maintenance and have a technician look over your solution. It's a small price to pay to avoid being left in the dark.

Solution 2:

Your UPS vendor should have guidelines. Our APC UPSes tell us when they think the batteries need to be replaced - from memory, it's about 2 years. How heavily the UPS is loaded has a big impact on battery life. APC recommends that you never load them more than 1/2 way.

Solution 3:

I find UPS batteries fail after 2 to 3 years of continual use. If it's an APC UPS they have a battery test function and I use this about once a month to make sure the battery is OK.