Are email disclaimers valid or worthwhile? [closed] says it all, really.

Apparently, there is a web site for everything:

Quoted from the referenced site:

The disclaimers added to the end of emails are not legally binding, but it's always good practice to try and disclaim liability'. Michael Chissick, Head of Internet law at Field Fisher Waterhouse (March 2000 Internet Magazine, 'All work and no play')

Disclaimer: No suitability of this answer is expressed or implied for any question asked on The opinions expressed in this answer do not reflect those of the answer's employer, spouse, or the family cat.

I would suggest that sysadmins with UK interests read this...

"Companies in the UK must include certain regulatory information on their websites and in their email footers before 1 January 2007 or they will breach the Companies Act and risk a fine."

I work for a global company who have stated that they do not put legal disclaimers on emails as they are not legally binding. They also argue, and i think rightly, that such disclaimers leave people with a false sense of security.