How secure is File Vault 2 on Mac, given the fact that resetting/finding out someone's login password is not impossible?

There are ways to break File Vault 2 encryption:

Since you can reset a password when it's locked, I wonder in practice how secure is FileVault in the real world.

Furthermore, even if someone like the aforementioned Macquisition isn't used, can't someone just login to your user account?

Solution 1:

File Vault won't protect you from someone with the means to grab your laptop when you have it unlocked and image it. Neither will it prevent someone from coercing your password from you or just snooping it from reuse / yellow post it notes, etc...

FileVault is designed to prevent trivial surreptitious attacks:

  • booting to single user mode to add a new admin account
  • looking at your data (or copying unencrypted files) by booting to another OS that someone brings to your Mac

Filevault is good protection from people that can't or won't steal your password to unlock your drive. In a nutshell, it enforces authorization to decrypt your data, apps and OS with a password of your choosing.
