Tuxera NTFS and High Sierra

Solution 1:

Tuxera NTFS 2016.1 works perfectly fine on my iMac with High Seirra with older file system, but it won't work on my MacBook Pro with High Seirra with the newer APFS. I did the same thing on the MacBook as I did with the iMac so go figure.

Solution 2:

Check the System Preferences > Security & Privacy, under General tab you may need to Allow the Tuxera system component (forgot its name/details).

The Tuxera 2016.1 seems to be working for me on High Sierra/10.13.0 after allowing its system component to run under Security & Privacy, it gave error something similar, and Allowing it made it to work.

This is explained as opt in for running the kernel extension:


(*) Our 2016.1 version is compatible with High Sierra. Note that High Sierra prevents extensions from loading automatically, which means that if you use version 2016.1 you’ll need to allow the extension to run from Security preferences pane. The upcoming version of Tuxera NTFS for Mac will help you breeze through this setup. Want to be part of our beta? Email us at [email protected] for more info.

Since you're on a beta OS - you might want to join Tuxera's beta as well in case they'll work with you on debugging any issues before their tool and the macOS version you run are released.