rEFInd breaks standby mode on MacBook Air 5.2

I am dual-booting MacBook Air 5.2 and Ubuntu 13.04 using rEFInd, so far things appears to work except when Macbook Air goes from sleep mode into standby mode (dump system state from RAM to SSD), it will not recover when I open the lid or click on touchpad.

Specifically, I can see keyboard light on but no output on screen at all, so it's impossible for me to tell if it has booted into the login screen or not. The only solution appear to force shutdown MBA at this point by holding power button

some info on MBA standby mode

Solution 1:

I'm rEFInd's developer. I've heard another report similar to this, but I'm unable to replicate it myself, since my one Intel-based Mac is an elderly 32-bit model that doesn't exhibit this behavior. Since the problem doesn't manifest within rEFInd itself, I can't simply create a debugging version to give to somebody like you who does have the problem; it's going to take hands-on fiddling with the hardware to identify the cause of the problem and find a solution. The solution could be something like an alternative installation method for rEFInd or a code change to rEFInd, but whatever it is, I'm afraid that I can't find it unless/until I get a computer that has the problem. I have no plans to buy any new Macs in the near future, so this will have to wait indefinitely or for somebody else to find a solution.

Solution 2:

I tried the old rEFIt (instead of the forked project rEFInd), it works beautifully with Macbook Air 5.2 and Ubuntu 13.04, and the wake from sleep problem is gone.

So I highly recommend people having this problem give rEFIt a try.