Pushing app to heroku problem

I am trying to push my app to heroku and I get the following message:

$ heroku create
Creating electric-meadow-15..... done
Created http://electric-meadow-15.heroku.com/ | [email protected]:electric-meadow-1

$ git push heroku master

 !  No such app as fierce-fog-63

fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

It's weird that I am getting this now, I have pushed the app to heroku many times without issue. the especially weird thing is, fierce-fog-63 is an old app that I made and deleted a long time ago. Why is it now that heroku is trying to push to this app that doesn't exist anymore, especially when I have created a new one? Any suggestions?

Solution 1:

Type this and I think you'll see the problem:

git remote -v

Fix it like this:

git remote rm heroku
git remote add heroku [email protected]:electric-meadow-15.git

Solution 2:

I was getting the second error you posted "failed to push some refs to '[email protected]:floating-stone-94.git' " (with a different app name) and i got rid of it by doing the following:

git remote rm heroku
heroku create

you should see a line that says 'Git remote heroku added'. Also

git remote -v

should now have the correct app.

Solution 3:

For all the people who this does not work, check your ~/.heroku/credentials
If the email or token does not match the account, you won't see your apps.