Usage of the slang "a man Friday" in English conversation

Our Boss was talking with someone and he said,

The office clerk typist is our man Friday.

Does the Boss mean the clerk typist is the person who he/she trust?

And can I use this slang for a woman?

The office clerk typist is our woman Friday.

The term originates from Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe, a novel about the eponymous character, who is stranded on an island and who saves a man brought to the island by cannibals for their main course. The man saved from the main table as the entree is understandably grateful and becomes Crusoe's loyal servant. The two have no common language at first, so Crusoe calls the man "Friday" after the day of the week of their propitious encounter.

As indicated in Oxford Dictionary, man Friday means "A male personal assistant or servant".

Similar definition is found in Cambridge Dictionary which states man Friday as "a man who ​helps someone with ​their ​work and is ​loyal and can be ​trusted".

Woman Friday: Also, gal Friday: An efficient and faithful female assistant, as in

I'll have my girl Friday get the papers together.


Yes, following can be used:

The office clerk typist is our woman Friday.