
Resembling, befitting, or being typical of a brute [Webster's]

Brutish is good for ending in -ish. I'm not sure how much of a requirement that is. Here are a few that don't end in -ish that I think work really well for thugs (links go to definitions):

  1. Pugnacious - this is my favorite; a person who is ready to fight, it also reminds me of this question.

  2. Bellicose - this means warlike; someone who is loud and blustering

  3. Belligerent - another favorite; this is how I imagine I behave when I am aggressively drunk

All of the above focus on the thuggish-ness of thugs in the sense of people who are mainly muscle at the command of their leader. Otherwise, if you are set on -ish, then my last suggestion is

  1. Churlish - a mean person.

This word is more broadly applicable to the surly, narrow-minded, ill-natured aspect of thuggery. It would not apply to thugs with a sense of humor, for instance.