Nautilus bookmarks are missing since upgrade to 13.04

My bookmarks are not shown anymore after upgrading to 13.04 Raring ringtails and I can't add any new bookmarks. The function is not shown and the shortcut Ctrl+D isn't working either. Is this functionality just gone for some reason (as the split screen with F3) or is there something wrong with my upgrade?

Thanks for any hints.

Solution 1:

Nautilus bookmark settings

To manage bookmarks go to the Files menu in the panel to open the Bookmarks dialog. There we may enter a name and a path of a bookmark to appear in the Nautilus left side panel in the Bookmarks section:

enter image description here

Bookmark an opened directory

Alternatively open the directory you want to bookmark. Then click on the cogwheel top right to select "Bookmark this Location" or press Ctrl + D.

enter image description here

To remove a bookmark select "Remove"" from the right click context menu on the bookmark.

All our bookmarks will also be displayed as a quicklist:

enter image description here

Manual approach and removing default entries

Those bookmarks are stored in an editable file in .config/gtk-3.0/bookmarks where we may manually (or programmatically) add and remove path entries which take effect immediately. The examples above resulted in the following file content:

file:///home/takkat/Documents/My%20Bookmark My Bookmark

Solution 2:

It's happened to me too. But I've had a Kernel Panic problem while upgrading from 12.10 to 13.04. I was able to restore my system, but none of my previous bookmarks were available.

It seems that the default folder where Nautilus saves bookmarks has changed. I restored them by copying my previous bookmarks from the file /home/yourusername/.gtk-bookmarks to /home/yourusername/.config/gtk-3.0/bookmarks. A simple text copy and paste using gedit.