How can I add a web link to Launchpad?

Solution 1:

You can use Script Editor and AppleScript to create an AppleScript application which opens the URL in a new tab in Safari, as in the following example:

set theURL to ""

tell application "Safari"
    tell front window
        set current tab to (make new tab with properties {URL:theURL})
    end tell
end tell

Change the value of set theURL to "..." to the appropriate URL, and then save this as an application to the Applications folder.

It will then be available to Launchpad and Spotlight, as well as other ways and means to open any other application.

You can also change the icon of the app, and there are instructions on the Internet on how to do that. E.g., Create custom icons for files or folders on Mac. Also, if you want to go the more technical route, have a look at: Create Your Own Custom Icons in OS X 10.7.5 or Later

If you use a different Browser then Safari, the code can be modify as necessary for that particular Browser.

For Google Chrome:

set theURL to ""

tell application "Google Chrome"
    tell front window
        make new tab with properties {URL:theURL}
    end tell
end tell

For Firefox:

set theURL to ""

tell application "Firefox"
    open location theURL
end tell

If you get an warning like "" wants access to control "Google" every time you run it, you may need to give it Full Disk Access. Go to System Preferences then Security & Privacy then Privacy then Full Disk Access, and add your app to the list. See this answer for more.