Is there a map editor thats not a mod

I've played Skyrim on XBox a few times and I really enjoy the scenery. Skyrim, being a big puzzle on its own, has required me to look up a few things and I sometimes came across posts talking about a map editor.

My questions are:

  • Does Skyrim on PC have a map editor that is not a mod?
  • Does it come with the standard edition of Skyrim or do I need an expansion or extra download?

  • How much can you really do with a map that you made yourself? (as in play it, do/create quests, etc..)

Any information about the subject is welcome, I don't usually play these kind of games on PC.

The Steam version of skyrim comes packaged with the "Creation Kit" for free. It's essentially an easy to use program that you can use to make custom quests, homes, rooms, areas, etc etc using Skyrim's assets.

To install it simply hover over your library on steam, then go to tools. It should be listed under creation kit. Make sure you have Skyrim installed too.

There is a steep learning curve though, and I recommend doing a few tutorials on the wiki: .