The Mad God's Bargain: Missing reward?

Solution 1:

Have you checked your inventory? As far as I remember, the Folium Discognitum should be an item in your inventory (bound to your character).

You should be able to activate/use the item to actually get your two skill points. They won't magically appear just by completing the quest.

Solution 2:

There is generally only one thing you can do in circumstances like this, and that is to contact the support team. Follow the link, and if nothing on there helps, look to the right for "Get Help" and click "email" to start correspondence with the support team.

Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games are complicated enough, from the developer point of view, let alone one based off The Elder Scrolls (which is already so expansive that a single player Elder Scrolls game often exhibits bugs to the extent found in an MMO).

For this reason, when bugs occur, the best thing you can do is report them. The developers do not want you getting screwed as much as you do. They want you to enjoy their game so you will buy stuff from them. So they will do their very best to ensure you receive your earned reward, and to make sure the bug is fixed, so that other players will not have the same problem.