list of the values in the leaf nodes of binary tree T

Solution 1:

Let's use a DCG - a Definite Clause Grammar. We start with your original definition:

lea(T, L) :-
   phrase(values(T), L).

values(nil) -->
values(t(X,L,R)) -->

Now, we need to restrict ourselves to those t/3 that are leaves. One possibility is to enumerate all cases:

lea2(T, L) :-
   phrase(leaves(T), L).

leaves(nil) -->
leaves(t(X,nil,nil)) -->
leaves(t(_,L,R)) -->
   { dif(L+R,nil+nil) },

It would be even better and more efficient to use a conditional construct similar to if_/3. I want to leave this to someone interested.

Solution 2:

First, we extend if_/3 to work with DCG's:

if_(C_1, Then_0, Else_0) -->                    % if_//3
   { call(C_1, Truth) },
   { functor(Truth, _, 0) },                    % safety check
   (  { Truth == true  } -> phrase(Then_0)
   ;  { Truth == false },   phrase(Else_0)

Using if_//3 and (=)/3 we can handle non-nil tree nodes with one clause (instead of two):

lea3(T, Ls) :-
   phrase(leaves(T), Ls).

leaves(nil) --> [].
leaves(t(X,L,R)) -->
   if_(L-R = nil-nil, [X], []),