Is there a Bukkit plug-in that will prevent Ghasts from spawning? [closed]

We planned to create some big buildings in the Nether but to make it challenging on the earth too, we do enable enemies.

However, we don't want to enable Ghasts as we find them very annoying since they destroy everything.

Is there a Bukkit plug-in that allows me to disable ghasts?

You can use the very simple (yet effective) WhichMobs plugin, to explicitly turn off certain mobs from spawning. All it would take is a simple ghast = false in the property file for the plugin to turn Ghasts off. You could also use NoSpawn and MobToggle, all of which accomplish the same thing.

Also, if you would like to keep Ghasts floating around but at the same time don't want them to destroy your buildings, you could install StopMob, which will stop mobs from being aggressive, yet keeps them in the game.

I have been informed that my answer is outdated. So I would like to suggest another:

Crowd Control.

It won't stop ghasts from spawning, but you can make them passive.

If you really don't want them, WorldGuard appears to let you blacklist certain mobs from spawning.


Yes there is. It's called Moblimiter.

Disclaimer: I haven't tried it, but the forum thread specifically says "Blacklist specific creatures".