Best way to predict area of effect of area-effect spells?

Solution 1:

There is a built in option to show the Area of Effect radius of spells when you're targeting them. It's visually a bit odd looking, and it can't be enabled in-game, but it is there!

To enable it you need to open up the file Baldur.lua and edit it since the setting isn't in the menus like many others are.

Where is the file? (Replace "Name" below with your username)

  • On Windows: C:\Users\Name\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition\Baldur.lua
  • On MacOS: /Users/Name/Documents/Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition/Baldur.lua
  • On Linux: ~/.local/share/Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition/Baldur.lua

What do I do to it?

  1. Open the file with your favorite text editor (Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on MacOS is fine).
  2. Find the line that says: SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Show AOE','0')
  3. Change that line to: SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Show AOE','1')
  4. Enjoy your new AoE indicators so you can stop roasting your own party with fireballs.

Solution 2:

Look here at Baldurs Gate Wikia. Every spell has a "Range" and a "Area of Effect". In Baldur's Gate you could use "X" key to see a X and Y coords (this perhaps can be helpful). But you are not able to marked the area affected by a spell. You have to learn how to use AoE spells by intuition (in this is also a "charm of BG").