Unix command line utilities for Windows x64? [closed]

There are many packages of UNIX command line utilities for 32-bit Windows. Now that the mingw-w64 Windows compiler is stable, I was expecting similar utilities to appear for 64-bit Windows (e.g. "GnuWin64"). However, I'm not finding them. Where are they?

As I've mentioned on SuperUser one … two … three times:

The tools in the SFUA utility toolkit, which run in the Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications that comes right there in the box with Windows 7 Ultimate edition and Windows Server 2008 R2 (For Windows XP, one can download and install Services for UNIX version 3.5.), come in both AMD64 and IA64 flavours as well as x86-32. This toolkit has a large number of command-line TUI tools, from mv and du, through the Korn and C shells, to perl and awk. The programs run in Windows NT's native proper POSIX environment, rather than with emulator DLLs (such as cygwin1.dll) layering things over Win32 as other toolsets do.

Cygwin started providing 64-bit versions a few month ago(July 2013)