Save microsoft excel chart as jpg

I want to save bar chart from Microsoft Excel 2010 for using as jpg.

Is there a way for saving it?

Solution 1:

Select the graph, hit copy (ctrl+c or right click and select copy) and then paste into paint (or any image editing software) to save in the correct format.

Solution 2:

As @TimWilliams noted in the comments, charts have an Export method in VBA. Here's a sample macro that will save the active chart as an image file in your workbook's directory.

The file type has been changed from the JPG you requested to PNG, which is a better image file format for line art like Excel charts. JPG is optimized for photographic images.

Sub savechart()
    ActiveChart.Export Filename:=ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\yourchart.png", Filtername:="PNG"
End Sub