How to make iTerm2 appear on the current screen?

Under Preferences -> 'Keys' It is possible to tick Show/hide iTerm2 with a system-wide hotkey.

However iTerm always appears on the main display (monitor) instead of where the cursor currently resides.

e.g. if I have three monitors, and am working on the third screen, the hotkey makes iTerm appear on first monitor, instead of where I am currently working.

Any advice how to solve this please?


The bug strikes back again in v.3.1.6. If any workarounds are known, please share.

I'm on Sierra using iTerm 3.1 and I have the option under window to put the screen where the cursor is (bottom right drop down options). I'm using it with a hotkey.

iTerm preferences

The answer by Grant works. The only thing you need to do is to install the beta version since there was a bug in the stable version.

This bug was fixed in 3.1.beta.1 enter image description here

Here's the link to the latest beta version