How do you plan an application's architecture before writing any code? [closed]

Solution 1:

I consider the following:

  1. what the system is supposed to do, that is, what is the problem that the system is trying to solve
  2. who is the customer and what are their wishes
  3. what the system has to integrate with
  4. are there any legacy aspects that need to be considered
  5. what are the user interractions
  6. etc...

Then I start looking at the system as a black box and:

  1. what are the interactions that need to happen with that black box
  2. what are the behaviours that need to happen inside the black box, i.e. what needs to happen to those interactions for the black box to exhibit the desired behaviour at a higher level, e.g. receive and process incoming messages from a reservation system, update a database etc.

Then this will start to give you a view of the system that consists of various internal black boxes, each of which can be broken down further in the same manner.

UML is very good to represent such behaviour. You can describe most systems just using two of the many components of UML, namely:

  • class diagrams, and
  • sequence diagrams.

You may need activity diagrams as well if there is any parallelism in the behaviour that needs to be described.

A good resource for learning UML is Martin Fowler's excellent book "UML Distilled" (Amazon link - sanitised for the script kiddie link nazis out there (-: ). This book gives you a quick look at the essential parts of each of the components of UML.

Oh. What I've described is pretty much Ivar Jacobson's approach. Jacobson is one of the Three Amigos of OO. In fact UML was initially developed by the other two persons that form the Three Amigos, Grady Booch and Jim Rumbaugh

Solution 2:

I really find that a first-off of writing on paper or whiteboard is really crucial. Then move to UML if you want, but nothing beats the flexibility of just drawing it by hand at first.

Solution 3:

You should definitely take a look at Steve McConnell's Code Complete- and especially at his giveaway chapter on "Design in Construction"

You can download it from his website: