What does it mean to describe someone's chin as "pugnacious"?

If one were to describe someone's chin as "pugnacious", what would that chin look like?

EDIT: In the context where I read it, it was used as a purely physical description I believe; it wasn't situation-specific. Therefore, I don't think it means simply thrust out.

Solution 1:

What an odd way to describe a chin.

Pugnacious: inclined to quarrel or fight readily; quarrelsome; belligerent; combative.

So this would be the type of chin that belongs a habitual fighter. I think it would be pushed out, assuming an aggressive stance. The jaw would be set firmly, which is also aggressive, and I imagine most strongly that it would be square.

Square-jawed seems to describe pugnacious kinds of people, but I don't have a ready link for this. I'll see if I can find some.

Here we go:

Except from book

From Paradise pursued: the novels of Rose Macaulay

Solution 2:

The description you found was of American portraitist, Gilbert Stuart:

For the impulsive, unreliable Stuart, who left a trail of incomplete paintings and irate clients in his wake, George Washington emerged as the savior who would rescue him from insistent creditors. "When I can net a sum sufficient to take me to America, I shall be off my native soil," he confided eagerly to a friend. "There I expect to make a fortune by Washington alone. I calculate upon making a plurality of his portraits. . . and if I should be fortunate, I will repay my English and Irish creditors." In a self-portrait daubed years earlier, Stuart presented himself as a restless soul, with tousled reddish-brown hair, keen blue eyes, a strongly marked nose, and a pugnacious chin. This harried, disheveled man was scarcely the sort to appeal to the immaculately formal George Washington.

Here's the self-portrait referred to in the passage (hardly a pugnacious chin, I think):

Gilbert Stuart, self-portrait

Here's a later portrait of him by Charles Willson Peale (not sure how his nose line changed so much, but the chin's a bit more pugnacious)

portrait of Gilbert Stuart by Charles Willson Peale

Ah, here we go. Pugnacity!

Gilbert Stuart stamp

By the way, describing chins as pugnacious is much more common than I thought. And pugnacious jaw is even more common.

One piece I think is missing from the other answers is why pugnacious might mean jutting or square-jawed. I found this at Etymonline:

pugnacious 1640s, from L. pugnacis, gen. of pugnax "combative," from pugnare "to fight," from pugnus "fist" . . .

So, I posit that a pugnacious chin is square because it is shaped like a fist.

Solution 3:

The word pugnacious comes from the Latin pugnare ("to fight"). So in normal usage means belligerent or ready to fight.

To apply that to someone's chin is quite subjective. I would imagine it to be pushed out forward in an agressive manner.