Word for something that is available/accessible all the time [closed]

Solution 1:

There is ever-ready.

Permanently accessible, available, or prepared: 'Roxie’s ever-ready smile'

There is handy also which is more common.

Readily accessible: found a handy spot for the hammer.

Note: I gave my answers based on the exact definition only. There are different words and phrases that can be used based on the context. If it is related to information technology services, using "available 24/7" would be better.

Solution 2:

at hand means ready for use. (dictionary.com - 43c)

We keep a supply of canned goods at hand.

Solution 3:

It depends a lot on what you are talking about and in which register.

In a formal context I'd try to use ubiquitous. It doesn't imply constant availability but constant presence though, and refers more to "everywhere" or "in every situation" than to time itself:

The internet is almost ubiquitous thanks to smartphones.

In other contexts, available 24/7 (as Spehro suggested) emphasizes time.