What software is best for taking notes fast and keeping in sync between iOS and web?

My requirements are very simple- I want notes that I can access quickly and easily via the web (from my Mac or PC) and also via iPhone and iPad.

For iOS, it's critical that I can go from having an idea to typing it out immediately- think the level of speed of the default "Notes" app in iOS app.

A rich text editor would be nice, but not necessary at all.

The iOS built in Notes app would be perfect if I could sync it to Google Docs, but I don't think it can. Google Docs itself is great on Mac/PC, but takes much too long to get started writing a note on iOS devices. I've tried Evernote, which is almost good, but unfortunately I've found that editing notes back and forth between web and iOS usually tends to revert back changes and get other very bad behavior.

Any ideas very welcome. Bells and whistles like rich text, tagging, etc. would be swell but not necessary at all, all I really care is being super fast, and able to sync.

Solution 1:

Simplenote has an iOS app and it syncs back to the Web, so can be accessed from the iOS device, and/or your Mac or PC.


On your Mac, apps like Notational Velocity will also sync. There are apps for PCs well.

Solution 2:

Evernote is to me the simplest i know. And works well.