Is there a use for my old iPhone? [closed]

I upgraded to the iPhone 3G 2 years ago from the first iPhone and will (hopefully) get the iPhone 4 at some point. I was thinking of just using my old one like an iPod Touch or just keep in my speakers for music. I also considered jailbreaking (maybe it would help me get better with programming?) or reselling it as well.

What do you recommend I do with it?

Solution 1:

You could:

  1. Sell it: Gazelle is a good place to sell old gadgets.
  2. Use it as a regular iPod Touch (I gave my old iPhone to my teen to watch iTunes U videos for school).
  3. Jailbreak it.
  4. Test Custom Apps
  5. Turn it into a neat personal project (remote control cars/planes, house automation). Blog about it too.
  6. Donate it
  7. Replace your car stereo (this one is fun).
  8. Make it your portable DVR; load it with your favorite shows and watch them when you have time (I know you can do this with you new iPhone, but it'll save on battery life if you use a second device).
  9. High tech alarm clock (I know, that one's silly).

Sorry if I repeated any suggestions. I was doing a quick brainstorm. It's fun finding new ways to use old gadgets. Good luck and let us know what you do.

Solution 2:

Donate it to someone who needs it.

  • African People
  • African wildlife
  • Soldiers

Or, do what you planned... Use it as a music player / remote / toy.