How to determine the current language of a wordpress page when using polylang?
I search for a variable that outputs the currently used language of the polylang plugin. Something like:
if($curlang == "en") {
We can use the get_locale
if (get_locale() == 'en_GB') {
// drink tea
To show current language, you can use:
<?php echo $lang=get_bloginfo("language"); ?>
Plain and simple
Returns the current language
pll_current_language( $value );
- $value => (optional) either name or locale or slug, defaults to slug
returns either the full name, or the WordPress locale (just as the WordPress core function ‘get_locale’ or the slug ( 2-letters code) of the current language.
This plugin is documented rather good in
Switching post language
The developers documentation states the following logic as a means to generate URL's for different translations of the same post
<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
<ul class='translations'><?php pll_the_languages(array('post_id' =>; $post->ID)); ?></ul>
<?php the_content(); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
If you want more influence on what is rendered, inspet pll_the_languages
function and copy it's behaviour to your own output implementation
Switching site language
As you want buttons to switch language, this page: will give you the required info.
An implementation example:
<ul><?php pll_the_languages();?></ul>
Then style with CSS to create buttons, flags or whatever you want. It is also possible to use a widget for this, provided by te plugin
Getting current language
All plugins functions are explained here:
In this case use:
if(pll_current_language() == 'en'){
//do your work here