Underscore.js - Map Array of key/value pairs to an Object - One liner

I've been going through the underscore docs but I can't seem to find a method (or nested method call) to do the following transformation:

Let's say I have the following Javascript array:

 [{ "name" : "sEcho", "value" : 1},{ "name" : "iColumns", "value" : 12}, ... ]

And I need to transform it into the following object:

      sEcho: 1,
      iColumns: 12,

I'm using underscore.js for a reason so it must be a one liner.

Solution 1:

Variation on Sza's answer, using the "array of pairs" signature of _.object:

_.object(_.map(data, function(x){return [x.name, x.value]}))

Solution 2:

Since nobody has posted this as an answer, I'm posting it because I think it is better than Jan's answer. It's shorter, and cleaner without the inline function.

_.object(_.pluck(data, 'name'), _.pluck(data, 'value'));

Solution 3:

This should do it:

_.reduce(array, function(o, v){
    o[v.name] = v.value;
    return o;
}, {});

As a one-liner (you are kidding me, right?):

_.reduce(array,function(a,b){a[b.name]=b.value;return a},{});

Solution 4:

var names = _.pluck(data, 'name');
var values = _.pluck(data, 'value');
var result = _.object(_.zip(names, values));

Solution 5:

Let's say you have the following JavaScript array:

var list = [
         name: "sEcho",
         value: 1
         name: "iColumns",
         value: 12

You can convert it into the format you want as follows:

var table = _.reduce(list, function (table, item) {
    table[item.name] = item.value;
    return table;
}, {});

It's not a one liner, but I don't think you literally meant a one liner. Did you?

Here's a one liner if you really meant a one liner:

var t = _.reduce(list, function (t, i) { return t[i.name] = i.value, t; }, {});

Yes, others have provided the same answer. However that's only because the answer to your question is so simple.