How to add a shortcut to open a new finder window to the Launchpad or dock

What I want: A one-click action in the dock or launchpad that opens the downloads folder in a new finder window.

Note: the Downloads "fan" thing that is in the left side area of the dock is not what I want. When I click that it opens a weird list / grid / fan thing of the stuff in my downloads folder, and then I have to click some more to actually open a finder window. Nope. I want a one click icon in the dock or launchpad.

Additionally: the icon needs to be the Downloads folder icon, if at all possible.

Copy this script to a new ScriptEditor document. Then export it as an application.

tell application "Finder"
    make new Finder window to path to downloads folder
end tell

Next, Open the “Get Info” window for the “Downloads” folder and also open the “Get Info” window for the new application you just exported. Select the icon of the downloads folder and “Edit/Copy” Select the icon of the new application and “”Edit/Paste”.

enter image description here

Drag your new application down to your dock and you are good to go.