Is Sombra fully invisible when using her Thermoptic Camo

Solution 1:

Sombra can be seen by :

  • Hanzo's Sonic Arrow (at all times) (You will be warned by a "Revealed" message)
  • Widowmaker's Infra-Sight (You will be warned by a "Revealed" message)
  • Being too close to her foes

She will **not** be revealed by :

  • An enemy Sombra's Opportunist (Her passive revealing foes with less than 50% HP) (Experienced it in 1v1 in the arcade)

Special Mentions :

  • A friendly Zarya sheilding an invisible Sombra will have the shield showing up, but Sombra herself will be invisible rendering only the bubble. (And, by association, revealing Sombra's location)
  • Zenyatta will lose sight of his discord orb if it was attached to a Sombra that turned invisible. (The orb is still attached on the other end)
  • McCree completly lose both his charge and his indicator.

Solution 2:

She is mostly invisible except for these cases:

  1. If she's right on top of you; if she's right in your face you'll be able to tell that there's an invisible Sombra nearby.
  2. If being in the range of a sonic Arrow but only through walls
  3. Widowmaker's ultimate

Source Tim a Blizzard developer, go to 00:33:35.