Xbox 360 4 GB Game Compatibility

Is it true that some games will not play on a Xbox 360 4 GB? In particular, I'm wondering about Modern Warfare 2. Since I "know" about computers, my relatives want console recommendations, as if I knew.

Solution 1:

In general, all games will play on all Xbox 360's. The only limitation that I'm aware of is that some games require a hard drive for some features. For example, in Halo Reach (and also Halo 3 and ODST, although I'm not positive on that), playing co-op in campaign or firefight requires a hard drive.

Solution 2:

The only game that I know requires a hard drive to run is Final Fantasy XI. As Andy mentioned in his answer, some games may require a hard drive for certain features. In either case, publishers are required to state any storage requirements on the back of the box, so you can always check there.

Solution 3:

Also to be aware, original XBox games require a Hard Drive, as the emulation software is installed on a partition of the drive.