If you don't want to use profiles, you can add flag that will enable/disable scheduling for the application

In your AppConfiguration add this

     value = "app.scheduling.enable", havingValue = "true", matchIfMissing = true
  public static class SchedulingConfiguration {

and in your test just add this annotation to disable scheduling

@TestPropertySource(properties = "app.scheduling.enable=false")

I just parameterized my @Scheduled annotation with configurable delay times:

@Scheduled(fixedRateString = "${timing.updateData}", initialDelayString = "${timing.initialDelay}")

In my test application.yaml:

    updateData: 60000
    initialDelay: 10000000000

And main application.yaml:

    updateData: 60000
    initialDelay: 1

It's not turning it off but creating such a long delay, the tests will be long over before it runs. Not the most elegant solution but definitely one of the easiest I've found.

An alternative would be to unregister the bean post processor that schedules the events. This can be done by simply putting the following class on the classpath of your tests:

public class UnregisterScheduledProcessor implements BeanFactoryPostProcessor {

    public void postProcessBeanFactory(final ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory) throws BeansException {
        for (String beanName : beanFactory.getBeanNamesForType(ScheduledAnnotationBeanPostProcessor.class)) {

While this is quite simple and seems to do the job, beware that I did not test this very much or check for possible implications of removing a defined bean from the registry or making sure that ordering of PostProcessors won't be an issue...

One more solution without any change in production code, using the @MockBean.

public class MyTest {

Which will eventually replace active scheduled job or create a mocked one.

From the documentation

Mocks can be registered by type or by {@link #name() bean name}. Any existing single bean of the same type defined in the context will be replaced by the mock, if no existing bean is defined a new one will be added.