What's the name of the action for opening a lock with an RF card?

We're constantly bombarded with new gadgets in our everyday life. Lately, hotels are moving away from ordinary locks and towards card keys. Some of them simply slide into a small slot in the lock, while others work with radio frequency (RF) and one does not even need to slide them, one simply presents them near the lock and the door opens.

I am wondering what the correct verb for this action would be. Does one swipe them, as would be the case with a credit card? Hover, perhaps? Place over? Something else?


They are called proximity cards which you just hold near the reading device:

  • A proximity card or prox card is a "contactless" smart card which can be read without inserting it into a reader device, as required by earlier magnetic stripe cards such as credit cards and "contact" type smart cards.

  • The proximity cards are part of the Contactless card technologies. Held near an electronic reader for a moment they enable the identification of an encoded number.


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