Is there a term for the phenomenon of people becoming desensitized to the extraordinary due to having access to sites like YouTube?

Solution 1:

Consider spoil:

to give (someone, such as a child) everything that he or she wants

You could say that YouTube has spoiled us with only the best plate spinners, leaving us unable to appreciate anything else.

Two other, more technical words sprang to mind, though both are pretty similar to OP's desensitized...

  1. In psychology, habituation describes someone's diminishing response to a repeated stimulus. You might say that through YouTube, we've habituated to these spectacles.

  2. Overexposure might also serve. Originally, it describes photographic film that receives too much light and loses sensitivity to detail. But it's often used metaphorically to describe the dulling effect of, say, watching a lot of violent TV.

Solution 2:

Anesthetise is used to refer to a state of insensitivity due to excessive exposure to something:

  • Deprive of feeling or awareness:
    • tragedy of a magnitude that anesthetizes the mind


  • To render insensible, as by an anesthetic.

The Free Dictionary

Solution 3:



: to cause (someone or something) to react less to or be less affected by something : to cause (someone or something) to be less sensitive

: to make emotionally insensitive or unresponsive, as by long exposure or repeated shocks: "This movie in effect may resensitize people who thought they were desensitized to violence" (Steven Spielberg). American Heritage® Dictionary

There are many studies showing that overexposure to violence desensitizes people over time.


: to make or become numb American Heritage® Dictionary

: (adj.) emotionally unresponsive; indifferent


: to make (something, such as a feeling) less sharp, strong, or severe M-W


: to diminish the sensitivity or perception of; make dull Collins English Dictionary