When I do a search for files on my system with Windows 7 built-in search, it opens a window with search results. If ones of the results is a folder and I open it, I go to a location like ms:query=searchstring\Folder name, which displays as " ▶ Search Results ▶ Folder name".

Is there any quick way I can convert this into a normal folder view like C:\Users\Username\Desktop\Folder name, so that I can navigate up to the parent directory, etc.? Preferably I'd like to be able to open it in a new window.

Easy! The search results will contain files from various folders. Right-click the file or folder you are interested in exploring. In the context menu select "Open File Location" or "Open Folder Location" (ctrl+click to open in a new window). Explorer will jump there and highlight the file or folder.

A change from XP is that backspace no longer moves up a folder in Explorer. Backspace acts like a web browser back button now. But once you are Exploring the file or folder you can click the breadcrumbs in the location box to move up the path.

  1. Right click, select Properties
  2. Click in file path
  3. Hit Home, then hit Ctrl-Shift-End to select all of path.
  4. Ctrl-C to copy.
  5. Paste in path bar.

Unfortunately, it doesn't actually work this way. When you right click on a file, the context menu only offers "open folder location" sometimes. It seem to happen randomly. There needs to be a way to tell windows to always show the file path in the search results.

If your installation of Win 7 doesn't have open folder location or open file location, here's a solution:


Here's what's in that solution:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

; Created by: Shawn Brink
; http://www.sevenforums.com
; Tutorial:  http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/236988-open-file-location-add-remove-context-menu.html



