Print PDF file without background

Sometimes I need to print a pdf file that has a black background or some heavy background images, and that sucks up a lot of ink. Is there any method to remove the background from PDF files before printing?

Anything that works on Windows or Linux.

In Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can set a custom background color (in this case: white) within the as part of the accessibility options.

The following instructions are for version 9. Other version should be similar.

  1. Press Ctrl + K or go to Edit -> Preferences.

  2. Under Categories, select Accessibility.

  3. Check Replace Document Colors and Custom Color.

  4. Set Page Background to white.

  5. Click OK.

Note: This will only work for some PDFs. Others will not retain the changes when printing.

I had this same problem except I was printing an 89-page pdf document of anatomical pictures. The problem? These pictures were sitting in a black background.

So my solution was:

  1. Convert PDF to DOCX (for word) with online converter.

  2. Open DOCX file on Word.

  3. Picture-by-Picture select the pictures, Click "Picture Tools"in the upper toolbar, then select Format.
  4. An option to "Recolor" appears on the left most side under neath the brightness and contrast buttons.
  5. Click your picture, then this button then the recolor button then select transparent and click the black background.

Hey presto, you have now saved as much black ink as would have been required for the picture without decreasing much if any of the picture quality.

Hope it helps!

For PDFs with background images (and maybe colors as well, depending on the setup), you can hide them while viewing the PDF in Adobe Acrobat Reader (free) like so:

  1. Open a PDF file in Adobe Reader and click "View | Show/Hide | Navigation | Layers" to reveal the Layers panel.

  2. Click the "Eye" icon for the item named "background" or something similar. This action hides the background.

  3. Print!

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