Is it possible to share iCloud Notes read-only?

I've just written up instructions for my Mum on how to use the AppleTV but I'm scared she's going to accidentally delete the contents of the note. Is it not possible to share a note "read only"?

There's a label saying "People you invite can make changes" but there seems to be no way to edit the permissions before inviting.

Maybe this is coming in iOS 11?

I would recommend Pages for doing this. (Not having Pages installed, I tested on Numbers.)

Pages / Numbers read-only sharing

I know this isn't really how you're wanting to solve this, but you could simply compose a note with the desired content, and then either screen cap it or print to pdf and insert the screen cap or pdf back into a shared note, presuming you wanted to keep this content within the notes app.

Answering as Notes app is updating in macOS Catalina(version 10.15) and Yes, you can share notes with "Read-Only mode" now

enter image description here