What is sunproxyadmin on port 8081 and what is port 11059?

I did a port scan and 8081 came up as sunproxyadmin. What is this? Also, it showed an open port number 11059. What is that port?

Solution 1:

Port numbers are just numbers - they do not give a definite answer as to what kind of software uses the port on your computer.

Your port scanning software used a list of well-known ports that matches the number with the name of a piece of software that originally used this port. In your case "Sun Proxy Admin" is a piece of software for Sun computers - i.e. most likely not something you run on your Mac.

To find out what is actually using port 8081 and 11059, you can run the following commands in the Terminal:

lsof -n -i4TCP:8081
lsof -n -i4TCP:11059

This will give you the command name and the process ID (PID) of the program on your computer that has these ports open.