What would you call a person who doesn't want to learn anything new?

What would you call a person who doesn't want to learn new things and even maybe thinks that this is unnecessary since he knows enough already? An ignorant person?

close-minded (also 'closed-minded')

has a primary definition of intolerant, also has the meaning of unreceptive to new ideas.

The euphemistic version of this is


The latter is a very common word lately to describe people whose thoughts are not reality or evidence based.

a person who doesn't want to learn new things (and even maybe thinks that this is unnecessary since he knows enough already)

If you consider Mitch's close-minded a good answer then there are similar idioms that are possibly applicable, for example:

  • obstinate,
  • dogmatic,
  • narrow-minded,

None of these are specific to learning so you should use them in a clear context.

Now let me focus on a different perspective - desire to learn new things often stems from curiosity, so here is a list of some antonyms of curiosity

  • incurious
  • uninterested
  • uninquiring
  • uninquisitive
  • indifferent

Again none of these terms is specific only to a person who does not want to learn new things, but they all might be applicable and true of such a person.

Maybe if you combine some of the first sort and the second you might arrive to interesting expression applicable to your case; or you might want to think about why the person you are trying to describe does not want to learn new things and a better phrase or a word might present itself.

EDIT: Also, there is a third perspective, someone who is not studious is unstudious (synonyms: unscholary); both of which are not very common, but might just be a right word for your case.

Keep in mind that they do not imply "that they might even think it is unnecessary since they know enough already".