PHP - SSL certificate error: unable to get local issuer certificate

I'm running PHP Version 5.6.3 as part of XAMPP on Windows 7.

When I try to use the Mandrill API, I'm getting the following error:

Uncaught exception 'Mandrill_HttpError' with message 'API call to messages/send-template failed: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate'

I already tried everything I read on StackOverflow, including adding the following to the php.ini file:

curl.cainfo = "C:\xampp\php\cacert.pem"

And ofcourse downloaded to that location the cacert.pem file from

but after all that, restarted XAMPP and Apache server but still getting the same error.

I really don't know what else to try.

Can anyone advise on what else can I try?

Solution 1:

Finally got this to work!

  1. Download the certificate bundle.

  2. Put it somewhere. In my case, that was c:\wamp\ directory (if you are using Wamp 64 bit then it's c:\wamp64\).

  3. Enable mod_ssl in Apache and php_openssl.dll in php.ini (uncomment them by removing ; at the beginning). But be careful, my problem was that I had two php.ini files and I need to do this in both of them. One is the one you get from your WAMP taskbar icon, and another one is, in my case, in C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.5.12\

  4. Add these lines to your cert in both php.ini files:

  5. Restart Wamp services.

Solution 2:

Editor's note: disabling SSL verification has security implications. Without verification of the authenticity of SSL/HTTPS connections, a malicious attacker can impersonate a trusted endpoint (such as GitHub or some other remote Git host), and you'll be vulnerable to a Man-in-the-Middle Attack.

Be sure you fully understand the security issues before using this as a solution.

I had the same problem in Mandrill.php file after line number 65 where it says $this->ch = curl_init();

Add following two lines:

curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);

This solved my problem and also sent email using localhost but I suggest to NOT use it on live version live. On your live server the code should work without this code.

Solution 3:

Thanks @Mladen Janjetovic,

Your suggestion worked for me in mac with ampps installed.


To: /Applications/AMPPS/extra/etc/openssl/certs/cacert.pem

And updated php.ini with that path and restarted Apache:

; A default value for the CURLOPT_CAINFO option. This is required to be an
; absolute path.

And applied same setting in windows AMPPS installation and it worked perfectly in it too.

; A default value for the CURLOPT_CAINFO option. This is required to be an
; absolute path.

: Same for wamp.

; A default value for the CURLOPT_CAINFO option. This is required to be an
; absolute path.

If you are looking for generating new SSL certificate using SAN for localhost, steps on this post worked for me on Centos 7 / Vagrant / Chrome Browser.

Solution 4:

When you view the page, you will notice in big letters a section called:

RSA-1024 removed

Read it, then download the version of the certificates that includes the 'RSA-1024' certificates.

Those will work with Mandrill.

Disabling SSL is a bad idea.

Solution 5:

The above steps, though helpful, didnt work for me on Windows 8. I don't know the co-relation, but the below steps worked. Basically a change in the cacert.pem file. Hope this helps someone.

  • Download cacert.pem file from here:
  • Save the file in your PHP installation folder. (eg: If using xampp – save it in c:\Installation_Dir\xampp\php\cacert.pem).
  • Open your php.ini file and add these lines:
  • curl.cainfo=”C:\Installation_Dir\xampp\php\cacert.pem” openssl.cafile=”C:\Installation_Dir\xampp\php\cacert.pem”
  • Restart your Apache server and that should fix it (Simply stop and start the services as needed).