Storing C++ template function definitions in a .CPP file

Solution 1:

The problem you describe can be solved by defining the template in the header, or via the approach you describe above.

I recommend reading the following points from the C++ FAQ Lite:

  • Why can’t I separate the definition of my templates class from its declaration and put it inside a .cpp file?
  • How can I avoid linker errors with my template functions?
  • How does the C++ keyword export help with template linker errors?

They go into a lot of detail about these (and other) template issues.

Solution 2:

For others on this page wondering what the correct syntax is (as did I) for explicit template specialisation (or at least in VS2008), its the following...

In your .h file...

template<typename T>
class foo
    void bar(const T &t);

And in your .cpp file

template <class T>
void foo<T>::bar(const T &t)
{ }

// Explicit template instantiation
template class foo<int>;

Solution 3:

This code is well-formed. You only have to pay attention that the definition of the template is visible at the point of instantiation. To quote the standard, §

The definition of a non-exported function template, a non-exported member function template, or a non-exported member function or static data member of a class template shall be present in every translation unit in which it is explicitly instantiated.

Solution 4:

Your example is correct but not very portable. There is also a slightly cleaner syntax that can be used (as pointed out by @namespace-sid, among others).

However, suppose the templated class is part of some library that is to be shared...

Should other versions of the templated class be compiled?

Is the library maintainer supposed to anticipate all possible templated uses of the class?

An Alternate Approach

Add a third file that is the template implementation/instantiation file in your sources.

lib/foo.hpp in/from library

#pragma once

template <typename T>
class foo
    void bar(const T&);

lib/foo.cpp compiling this file directly just wastes compilation time

// Include guard here, just in case
#pragma once

#include "foo.hpp"

template <typename T>
void foo::bar(const T& arg)
    // Do something with `arg`

foo.MyType.cpp using the library, explicit template instantiation of foo<MyType>

// Consider adding "anti-guard" to make sure it's not included in other translation units
  #error "Don't include this file"

// Yes, we include the .cpp file
#include <lib/foo.cpp>
#include "MyType.hpp"

template class foo<MyType>;

Of course, you can have multiple implementations in the third file. Or you might want multiple implementation files, one for each type (or set of types) you'd like to use, for instance.

This setup should reduce compile times, especially for heavily used complicated templated code, because you're not recompiling the same header file in each translation unit. It also enables better detection of which code needs to be recompiled, by compilers and build scripts, reducing incremental build burden.

Usage Examples

foo.MyType.hpp needs to know about foo<MyType>'s public interface but not .cpp sources

#pragma once

#include <lib/foo.hpp>
#include "MyType.hpp"

// Declare `temp`. Doesn't need to include `foo.cpp`
extern foo<MyType> temp;

examples.cpp can reference local declaration but also doesn't recompile foo<MyType>

#include "foo.MyType.hpp"

MyType instance;

// Define `temp`. Doesn't need to include `foo.cpp`
foo<MyType> temp;

void example_1() {
    // Use `temp`;

void example_2() {
    // Function local instance
    foo<MyType> temp2;

    // Use templated library function;

error.cpp example that would work with pure header templates but doesn't here

#include <lib/foo.hpp>

// Causes compilation errors at link time since we never had the explicit instantiation:
// template class foo<int>;
// GCC linker gives an error: "undefined reference to `foo<int>::bar()'"
foo<int> nonExplicitlyInstantiatedTemplate;
void linkerError()

Note that most compilers/linters/code helpers won't detect this as an error, since there is no error according to C++ standard. But when you go to link this translation unit into a complete executable, the linker won't find a defined version of foo<int>.

If memory serves, I originally got the idea for this from SO. But when I wrote this answer, I could not for the life of me find that original SOA. Today, I think I found it:

Solution 5:

This should work fine everywhere templates are supported. Explicit template instantiation is part of the C++ standard.