Calling MATLAB functions from python
Solution 1:
I know this is an old question and has been answered. But I was looking for the same thing (for the Mac) and found that there are quite a few options with different methods of interacting with matlab and different levels of maturity. Here's what I found:
A low level interface to Matlab using the matlab engine (libeng
) for communication (basically a library that comes with matlab). The module has to be compiled and linked with libeng.
Last updated: 2003
A somewhat short lived continuation of the pymat development. Seems to work on windows (including 64bit), linux and mac (with some changes).
Last updated: 2012
A high level interface that also comes as a module which needs compilation and linking against libeng
. It exposes Matlab functions to python so you can do fun stuff like
mlab.plot(x, y, 'o')
Last updated: 2009
A repackaging effort of mlabwrap. Basically it replaces the c++ code that links against 'libeng' in mlabwrap with a python module (matlabpipe) that communicates with matlab through a pipe. The main advantage of this is that it doesn't need compilation of any kind.
Unfortunately the package currently has a couple of bugs and doesn't seem to work on the mac at all. I reported a few of them but gave up eventually. Also, be prepared for lots of trickery and a bunch of pretty ugly hacks if you have to go into the source code ;-) If this becomes more mature it could be one of the best options.
last update: 2013
A newer package (2010) that also interacts with Matlab through libeng
. Unlike the other packages this one loads the engine library through ctypes thus no compilation required. Its not without flaws but still being maintained and the (64bit Mac specific) issues I found should be easy enough to fix.
(edit 2014-05-20: it seems those issues have already been fixed in the source so things should be fine with 0.2.4)
last update: 2014
Also a newer package that is still actively maintained. Communicates with Matlab through some sort of socket. Unfortunately the exposed functions are a bit limited. I couldn't figure out how to invoke a function that takes structs as parameters. Requires zmq, pyzmq and IPython which are easy enough to install.
last update: 2014
Solution 2:
Another option is Mlabwrap
Mlabwrap is a high-level python to Matlab® bridge that lets Matlab look like a normal python library.
It works well with numpy arrays. An example from the home page:
>>> from mlabwrap import mlab; from numpy import *
>>> xx = arange(-2*pi, 2*pi, 0.2)
Solution 3:
PyMat looks like it's been abandoned.
I'm assuming you are on windows so you could always do the simplest approach and use Matlab's COM interface:
>>> import win32com.client
>>> h = win32com.client.Dispatch('matlab.application')
>>> h.Execute ("plot([0 18], [7 23])")
>>> h.Execute ("1+1")
u'\nans =\n\n 2\n\n'
More info here