Shortcuts no longer work for move window to left/right of screen in 12.04

I used to be able to send windows to the left/right half of the screen with ctrl-windows-left and ctrl-windows-right in 12.04. Now the left/right shortcuts do not work, but ctrl-windows-up / down still work as they used to (maximise, minimise)

EDIT: couple of Ubuntu updates later and it appears to be working again without my having to change anything.

The System Settings menu has a Keyboards item that you can use to re-bind the shortcut:

enter image description here

It might be worth checking the following dconf seettings:

  • move-to-side-e
  • move-to-side-w.

They can be found in the following path org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings.

enter image description here

  • What is dconf, what is its function, and how do I use it?