touch: cannot touch `/usr/share/tomcat7/logs/catalina.out': No such file or directory

When installed using the tomcat7 package, it is intended that you start and stop Tomcat using upstart (service tomcat start) or the /etc/init.d/tomcat script. If you start it using the script then it is likely to have its environmental variables incorrectly configured.

Please see my answer to your previous question (How should I install Apache Tomcat 7 for use with Eclipse?) for a better way to install Tomcat if you don't want to run it as a service.

just create the missing folder like this:

sudo mkdir /var/tomcat/logs

then run tomcat again like this:

sudo sh /opt/apache-tomcat-{version}/bin/

The message itself is self explanatory, if you don't know the hierarchy of the Unix/Linux File System, and how it works, i highly recommend you to start watching some tutorials.