What does Windows+Home do on Windows 7?

I just tried Windows+End on my Windows 7 system and nothing happened. However when you press Windows+Home it minimizes all but the active window (this is a keyboard equivalent of the "Aero Shake" gesture) - all windows except for the active window are minimized, and doing it again restores them.

Interesting. On mine it does nothing. Windows + Home, however minimizes all open windows except the currently focused one. Pressing it again restores them.

It minimizes all windows except the currently active one.

When hit once, it minimizes all non-active (i.e. background) windows.

When hit again, it the restores the windows back to their original state.

Given that user's typically have a lot of applications open in their GUI environment, this is designed to allow users to focus on one application at a time - if they so desire.

Of course, newbies who would benefit from this feature are least likely to know of it's existence :) !