How to adjust the sound volume in small increments in Mac OS 10.7 (Lion)? [closed]

I use a Macbook that has dedicated sound volume buttons (F11 and F12).

In Mac OS 10.6 I was able to adjust the sound volume in smaller increments (1/4th of a square) by pressing Shift + Option + Volume Up/Down.

This stopped working after the update to 10.7. Any ideas?

This shortcut was added again in 10.7.4, so you'll get this feature back once you update your OS.

I know that this is far less convenient than before, but it is a workaround.

You can do precise volume adjustment with AppleScript, controlled on a scale of 0 thru 100.

set volume output volume 0 --mute
set volume output volume 100 --100%
set volume output volume 27 --27%

You can get the current volume (also 0 thru 100):

set currentVolume to output volume of (get volume settings)

So, you can write a little script to increment the volume by 2% (approximately what one quarter square used to be):

set currentVolume to output volume of (get volume settings)
set volume output volume (currentVolume + 2)

You can make one for decrementing by changing that plus sign to a minus sign.

You can save this as a script or app, and bind it to a mouse or keyboard button (if your driver lets you), give it a keyboard shortcut (as a Service or with another app), or put it in your menu bar (with an app like FastScripts).

Feature is back in Mountain Lion. Shift/Option+up or Shift/Option+down will adjust it by a fraction increments.