Precise Financial Calculation in JavaScript. What Are the Gotchas?

Solution 1:

You should probably scale your decimal values by 100, and represent all the monetary values in whole cents. This is to avoid problems with floating-point logic and arithmetic. There is no decimal data type in JavaScript - the only numeric data type is floating-point. Therefore it is generally recommended to handle money as 2550 cents instead of 25.50 dollars.

Consider that in JavaScript:

var result = 1.0 + 2.0;     // (result === 3.0) returns true


var result = 0.1 + 0.2;     // (result === 0.3) returns false

The expression 0.1 + 0.2 === 0.3 returns false, but fortunately integer arithmetic in floating-point is exact, so decimal representation errors can be avoided by scaling1.

Note that while the set of real numbers is infinite, only a finite number of them (18,437,736,874,454,810,627 to be exact) can be represented exactly by the JavaScript floating-point format. Therefore the representation of the other numbers will be an approximation of the actual number2.

1 Douglas Crockford: JavaScript: The Good Parts: Appendix A - Awful Parts (page 105).
2 David Flanagan: JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, Fourth Edition: 3.1.3 Floating-Point Literals (page 31).

Solution 2:

Scaling every value by 100 is the solution. Doing it by hand is probably useless, since you can find libraries that do that for you. I recommend moneysafe, which offers a functional API well suited for ES6 applications:

const { in$, $ } = require('moneysafe');
console.log(in$($(10.5) + $(.3)); // 10.8

Works both in Node.js and the browser.

Solution 3:

There's no such thing as "precise" financial calculation because of just two decimal fraction digits but that's a more general problem.

In JavaScript, you can scale every value by 100 and use Math.round() everytime a fraction can occur.

You could use an object to store the numbers and include the rounding in its prototypes valueOf() method. Like this:

sys = require('sys');

var Money = function(amount) {
    this.amount = amount;

Money.prototype.valueOf = function() {
    return Math.round(this.amount*100)/100;
var m = new Money(50.42355446);
var n = new Money(30.342141);

sys.puts(m.amount + n.amount); //80.76569546
sys.puts(m+n); //80.76

That way, everytime you use a Money-object, it will be represented as rounded to two decimals. The unrounded value is still accessible via m.amount.

You can build in your own rounding algorithm into Money.prototype.valueOf(), if you like.