Create a new object from type parameter in generic class

Solution 1:

To create a new object within generic code, you need to refer to the type by its constructor function. So instead of writing this:

function activatorNotWorking<T extends IActivatable>(type: T): T {
    return new T(); // compile error could not find symbol T

You need to write this:

function activator<T extends IActivatable>(type: { new(): T ;} ): T {
    return new type();

var classA: ClassA = activator(ClassA);

See this question: Generic Type Inference with Class Argument

Solution 2:

Because the compiled JavaScript has all the type information erased, you can't use T to new up an object.

You can do this in a non-generic way by passing the type into the constructor.

class TestOne {
    hi() {

class TestTwo {
    constructor(private testType) {

    getNew() {
        return new this.testType();

var test = new TestTwo(TestOne);

var example = test.getNew();

You could extend this example using generics to tighten up the types:

class TestBase {
    hi() {
        alert('Hi from base');

class TestSub extends TestBase {
    hi() {
        alert('Hi from sub');

class TestTwo<T extends TestBase> {
    constructor(private testType: new () => T) {

    getNew() : T {
        return new this.testType();

//var test = new TestTwo<TestBase>(TestBase);
var test = new TestTwo<TestSub>(TestSub);

var example = test.getNew();

Solution 3:

All type information is erased in JavaScript side and therefore you can't new up T just like @Sohnee states, but I would prefer having typed parameter passed in to constructor:

class A {

class B<T> {
    Prop: T;
    constructor(TCreator: { new (): T; }) {
        this.Prop = new TCreator();

var test = new B<A>(A);