A word for someone who can notice things quickly? [closed]

Other than words like 'insightful', 'observant', and 'perceptive', is there another word?

Solution 1:


: having a strong ability to notice things M-W


: keenly perceptive or alert; "quick-sighted into the faults of the time"- Leonard Bacon : also, quick-sighted, sharp-eyed WordNet

Solution 2:

Someone who notices things quickly could be called perspicacious.

Definition: having a ready insight into and understanding of things: it offers quite a few facts to the perspicacious reporter.

Derivatives: perspicaciously adverb Origin early 17th cent.: from Latin perspicax, perspicac- ‘seeing clearly’ + -acious .

synonyms: discerning, shrewd, perceptive, astute, penetrating, observant, percipient, sharp-witted, sharp, smart, alert, clear-sighted, farsighted, acute, clever, canny, intelligent, insightful, wise, sage, sensitive, intuitive, understanding, aware, discriminating.

antonyms: stupid

Solution 3:

Consider keen-eyed or keen-sighted. Another word is eagle-eyed:

very good at seeing or noticing things


If a short idiom is OK, try "a keen eye for something":

an ability to notice and recognize something

(Macmillan English Dictionary)

Example: My dad has a keen eye for talent.