Once a super computer, but now no longer?

Is there a word that specifically means or makes reference to a computer that was once considered a super computer in its time, but due to rapid technological advancements, is no longer considered one?

Edit: aparrently not. I say we make one.

I am unaware of a specific word or phrase that indicates the aged item is specifically a now-dated computer. However, when describing something old and "of another time," I often fall back on the following noun and adjective...

  • Relic - the ENIAC is a relic of supercomputers from days of vacuum-tubes and mercury-delay line memory.
  • Antiquated - at my university there sits an antiquated Cray I supercomputer, which at one time was the world's fastest.

You could simply call such a computer obsolete.

obsolete no longer produced or used; out of date : the disposal of old and obsolete machinery [NOAD]

You could refer to "legacy" equipment (or code, for that matter; although legacy code most often runs on legacy equipment): a system that was generally big, powerful and impressive when purchased, which is now old and expensive to maintain, but is running some critical software or performing some critical function that for a variety of reasons the company is unwilling to move away from.

You might use "antique" (in the noun usage).

The implication of great age might be seen as slightly ironic, but it makes it clear that we are not talking about something current.