Smart Word Selection in IE - how to disable?

Solution 1:

While I mostly want full-word selection (I regularly trip over the lack of it in other browsers where I need to be extra-precise in where I place the cursor which kinda sucks) for the few cases where it's unwanted I just switch to caret browsing with F7 and use the keyboard.

Solution 2:

In IE8 on my machine, I can work around this. I start with the caret between the e|f of the first word. I move it to the next word, which results in the whole word being selected. I then move the mouse back over the first word and move it to the right again. This time, everything beyond the f is selected. For the last word, I move the mouse beyond it, then move it back to in-between o|n and now I've the exact selection.

Basically, by moving the mouse back and forth, you will be able to select just the part you need, although it is annoying. Don't know how to turn it off...